
Pinnacle Dragon Boat Club


Outrigger Canoes in Orange

Published Sun 26 Nov 2017

Some Pinnacle Dragons were not about to miss out on training yesterday - they took to the water of Lake Canobolas, (near Orange) with the outrigger canoes.

Fay was first out on the Pahoa - very quickly gained confidence and headed up top end of the lake  - we heard the splash but didn't actually see the capzise, never daunted Fay got the OC right way up,  got back on like a professional and off she went exploring at close quarters the southern end of Lake Canobolas.

By time the 2nd OC was ready - Wendy wasn't too sure she wanted any part of this type of training but she pushed aside the doubts and tentatively began paddling .

Meantime Heather, an old hand on the outriggers waited patiently for either Fay or Wendy to remember to return to shore.

What better way to spend a Sunday morning.

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