
Pinnacle Dragon Boat Club


Excitement PLUS

Published Tue 12 Jun 2018

Pinnacle Dragons escaped the chilly weather of Orange for warmer climes:   6 members headed to Kunnanurra for the Ord River Marathon.   Joining with former members,  Warren and Di Mason, now of Nowra, and with Leonie (Bairnsdale) and Merrin (Illawarra).   Haven't got the full story yet but it was an exciting event - with few photos available - apart from those taken by those on the support boat!!        Lets just say what happens on the Ord, stays on the Ord  - and all are safe and well!!

11 other members and families also headed to warmer climes - least thats what they hoped for but Port MacQuarie turned on rain, a little sun and cool winds.  However all had a fabulous time as part of the Western Waratahs team competing at Port MacQ. Flamin Dragons regatta.  Some great racing, fabulous food and friends.

Some of the first timers at Port were a little gobsmacked to see a seaplane approaching - on the water.  Dolphins were there to watch the fun - and of course our amazing sweeps Robbie and Warren sweeping at their first regatta had to contend with tides - which were running pretty fast  - there were some great race times considering we paddled against the tide..

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