
Pinnacle Dragon Boat Club


Canberra Regatta - FANTASTIC DAY

Published Mon 21 Jan 2019

Pinnacle Dragons Team were at their best on Saturday 19th Jan at the Canberra Regatta.  No bling but it was the best team work.   Each paddler there for the team mate.    

The 2km was completed in excellent time of 13mins 27 sec,  taking out 3rd in the Open.   not the fastest  - but Pinnacle Dragons were one of the few teams racing with a depleted crew.

For the 10s racing - Pinnacle Dragons held their own in every race, 2nd and 3rd in most races - sometimes completing against up to 7 crews.

Who knows what the results would have been had we had our 2 members in the boat - but were otherwise occupied with the regional squad - who also raced with some success.

Pinnacle Dragons celebrated in the usual way with a delicious dinner at Olive's Greek Restaurant at Hawker,

A great weekend with a great team - Pinnacle Dragons proving what the coach has been telling you for months - you're far better than you think

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