
Pinnacle Dragon Boat Club


Busy April and more to come for May

Published Mon 30 Apr 2018


https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/30168162_785521021652202_2831858721300427646_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=f581eb7125e624e329ac8461305ec385&oe=5B52AF36 Perry Penquin is getting worried about diminishing water levels The good news is Council staff are investigating removal of the weeds.

Lots happened during April

Huon Marathon - highly recommended by those who participated.

Easter Bunny visited, hiding eggs on the boat

Anzac Day - A few minutes taken out of training to remember those who have and those who continue to help keep Australia safe..

How good was it to have our younger members, Isaac, Maddie C and Sam help with about 25 Cadets of Molong and Broken Hill St John’s Ambulance having their first taste of dragon boating

“Almost official” Parkes DB Club joined us for some marathon training - and just look at the shape of their proposed training water! Good one for distance training it being about 1.3 km from probable boat launch to top end of Lake.

Yesterday we had Yvette Tam from Pacific Dragons with us. In town for a wedding but fulfilling her commitment (of 4 training sessions a week) to PDs team going to Hungary in July - umm not for everyone.







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