
Pinnacle Dragon Boat Club


2021 is about to begin!

Published Wed 30 Dec 2020

Paddling is in our veins so its no surprise we took our Christmas fun to the water and enjoyed an afternoon on Lake Canobolas in our Christmas dress - see our Facebook page for pics and video!

This past year certainly brought challenges and we tried to keep our head and paddles up to face the challenges as they arose.  Being in a regional area where we have experienced only a small number of COVID-19 cases we have been very fortunate not to be held off the water too long however have had to be vigilent in following our COVID-19 plan and DBNSW recommendations.  We have been feeling for all our paddling cohort throughout the world during this pandamic and hope that we can all be on the water together again safely in the near future.

Pinnacles have welcomed many new members this year and we look forward to providing a solid base for all of our members to strive to acheive their Dragon Boating goals whether it be continuing social paddles or competing at a National or International level in the coming years.

We hope you enjoyed your Christmas this year and look forward to paddling in 2021.

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